Work- life-child-business BALANCE
Ever felt like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?! Well, don’t we all. In this day and age, we are all so destine to overachieve in all areas, that maybe in fact, we are just under achieving in everything…
I have always worked massive weeks. I have also, loved being extremely social, I am particularly OCD with the house and keeping it tidy, I give 110% to my relationship. ON top of all this, I have LOVED to stay fit and active; walking, running, gym, Pilates and yoga. Over the years I have tried so many running tracks, gyms and yoga classes in Melbourne.
I also now have my own 2 businesses, Golden Grind and Be Bliss Baby and most recently have thrown (or birthed) a beautiful little baby girl into the mix. The problem is, there are only so many hours in the week that I am only now, really struggling to fit everything in. Somethings had to give. And unfortunately, that something was me and was exercising.
But enough is enough and as the new year approaches, I am determined to reclaim my activity and my optimum health. The thing is though, I really need all my favourite thing to be in one spot in Melbourne so I’m not driving here there and everywhere with my limited time, so personally, I choose and LOVE Kaya health clubs – one stop shop and the best of the best at each domain too! We just need to be smarter about what we do, how we do it and where we do it.
As of the new year, I am cutting out social media, online shopping (guilty), TV time and procrastination (is that even possible?). I am also going to cut out unnecessary tasks from my work life and realign my focus on my “why” again and of course focus on making sales! Some other great tips; merge friendship groups (where possible) and stop writing to-do-lists for around the house. Just take-home time to relax. And bring back the date night!
So, leading into 2019 I propose this…Let’s try and do less, but better. Let’s focus on being present and really experiencing things rather than cramming. And let’s try to maintain a healthy balance with staying fit but also meditating more. And what a better way to start than some extremely beneficial yoga classes….
XOXO Tahli Watts - Co Founder of Golden Grind