We're in this together.

It's an interesting time, to say the least. No-one could have predicted COVID-19 and the effects it has had on the world. It's an incredibly overwhelming time, with uncertainty, anxiousness and uneasiness in the forefront of everyone's minds. We certainly don't want to add to that anxiety, or instil any fear, rather, we want to reassure our Golden community and provide a sense of connection at this time.
We want to focus on the focus on the silver linings. We're choosing to use our voices for the better, to help our customers get through this as a community. The power of many far outweighs the power of an individual, so let's stick together, let's unite and ride this wave together.
Self Isolation tips and tricks
Whilst we're all spending more time within our homes, it's still so important we look after our health, both physically and mentally.
We've put together a list of 5 easy things you can do each day at home to keep your mental and physical health in check:
1. Pick up the phone and call a friend, family member, colleague or neighbour, just to say hi. Ask them how they're feeling, and see if there's anyway you can help them.
2. If you find yourself working from home (which we're experts in here at Golden Grind), get dressed every morning as if you are going to work, create a schedule for your work day as you would in an office with regular but routine breaks and limit eating to set times.
3. Fill your diet with food grown by the earth. Avoid processed foods as much as you can and try to eat the rainbow everyday. If you're looking for some recipe inspiration, we have a range of great recipes on our website.
4. Set yourself a fitness challenge to do everyday. It could be doing 50 sit-ups each morning before 9am, or running 1km around the block, or holding a new yoga position for 90 seconds. There are so many great online and virtual exercise tools to help motivate and guide you, with a number of personal trainers and experts also providing free lessons and workouts on social media.
5. At the end of each day, write down 5 things you are grateful for. Focusing on positives at this time is so important, and going to sleep with a positive mentality will help you get a much better sleep.
The good news?
Whilst the data and statistics are still very preliminary, there's evidence to show that the closing down of industries across the globe has positively impacted our air quality, oceans and wildlife.
And well, we think that's something worth celebrating.
This global health disaster is an opportunity to assess - which aspects of modern life are absolutely necessary, and what positive changes might be possible if we change our habits on a global scale.
We truly believe that if we all stick together, if we support small business where possible and connect as a community, we will get through this.
Stay well,
Tahli, Sage and Renwick xx